About the Poem

A poem about a boy who eats lots of cakes and other fattening things, but stays pencil thin. The irony is that his very thinness leads to his demise.


Cautionary Verse


Nonsense Poem


10 lines

Key Stage

KS1, KS2, KS3


Max Scratchmann

Skinny Vinnie

Skinny Vinnie was a boy who ate a lot of cake,
But no matter how much cake he ate he was thin as a rake,
He ate a stack of best cream buns and a slab of ginger bread,
But even after half a ton he still looked walking dead.

He swallowed down a brace of sponge as though it was a race,
But at the beach that very day had sand kicked in his face,
He said I must be surely cursed to be so small and weedy,
When I do eat so very much that people think I’m greedy.

Alas that day he met his end, whilst he, himself, was hating,
When munching on a big Choux Bun he tumbled down a grating.

Copyright © Max Scratchmann. All Rights Reserved

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