It might seem a bit presumptuous of me to call this section of the site more fun bits, when I've no idea whether you've loved or hated everything you've read so far. If you're sitting at a school desk with a dragon breathing down your neck, it may well be the latter! Anyway, since you're here, lets have a look at the other fun poetry related bits and pieces that you might enjoy dipping into:
We've been running an annual poetry competition for children for longer than I can remember (actually, since 2008, but I've got a terrible memory). You can find out about the current or upcoming competition and look back at all the fantastic poems that have been written for previous competitions.
An introduction to writing funny poems of your own, which it might be worth taking a peek at before entering one of the competitions. We hold you hand through the basics of what makes a poems funny and how to structure your verse, before letting go so that you can set off on your own poetic adventures.
Find out the answers to everything you ever wanted to know about the people who wrote the poems, plus a few unsavoury truths that you'd probably rather not know. If you've involved in a poetry project at school and want sensible answers to serious questions, rather than silly answers to stupid questions, it might be wise to email us.
We'll point you in the direction of other website we like, including funny poetry by other famous, infamous or enormous poets (the last of which are largely American) and a few non-poetry sites that we think you might enjoy. There are some really awful poetry sites out there, but I trust you'll be able to work out which those are yourself.