Reigning Cats and Dogs

Some people like cats,
Others dogs,
But very few people,
Like warthogs

Peculiar Pets

It's thought that people choose a pet that has a character similar to their own. So intelligent, independent, single minded people chose cats and compliant, obedient, slightly dim folk have dogs. It's also said that pet owners grow to look like their pets, so what would a warthog lover be like?


Animal Antics


Short rhyming poems


4 lines

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Patrick Winstanley

Related Poem

Cat v Dog

If you haven't been convinced of the argument over cat supremacy, you might like to try a second of Patrick's poems, You Can't Teach An Old Cat Any Tricks, which states the case forcefully and with just a hint of feline bias.

Copyright © Patrick Winstanley. All Rights Reserved

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