Time's Up

To my chest my
Hands I clasp
I deeply breathe
I wheeze and gasp
My temples throb
My mouth is dry
My heart beats fast
I’m going to die
My voice has gone
My throat is sore
My hands both shake
I can take no more
I lay my head
Upon my knee
Now blow the whistle

About the Poem

Time's Up is an example of 'generic' sports poetry, in that the poem could apply to any sport which requires physical exertion and is refereed by a whistle wielding official - so not cricket or croquet. The twist in the tail is that the tone of the poem is changed completely by the final two lines. Reading the opening lines, it appears to be a serious poem describing someone suffering from a heart attack and close to death. It's not until the poem's final five words that it becomes clear that Time's Up is in fact a humorous poem with a sporting theme.


Sporting Disasters


Rhyming poem


16 lines

Key Stage

KS1, KS2, KS3


Paul Curtis

Copyright © Paul Curtis. All Rights Reserved

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