Funny Verse for Kids

Were you looking for funny peoms for kids? You've found the right place, but you've arrived at the back door, rather than the main entrance. Don't worry, come in (don't forget to wipe your feet), settle down and make yourself at home. This is somewhere you should feel comfortable, because we not only have lots and lots of really funny poems for kids, we also a very relaxed attitude to spelling. Funny poems, funny peoms, funny pomes are all much the same to us.

A Little Confession about Spelling

I don't tell everybody this, but when I was a child at school I was really, really bad at spelling. That's right, not just bad at spelling, but really, really bad. The first piece of homework I had to do was a description of my first day at school (yes, homework on the first day!) and it began 'My ty', when clearly it should have been 'Mie tie', or even 'My tie'. The problem with English spelling is that it has no particular logic, so that people who are brilliant at other things and have logical, analytical minds often find spelling really difficult. When a teacher tells you that 'it's i before e, except after c', the question you should be asking is 'Why?'. The answer is that 'It just is', which is not a very satisfactory basis on which to teach people how to spell. I'm not suggesting that you boycott English lessons, just that you should be prepared for a long hard slog...

A Rather Bigger Confession

The problem is, my spelling hasn't got much better as I've got older. The thing that has got better is my ability to disguise the fact that I'm not very good at spelling. As you explore the rest of the site you'll discover that it is pretty well spelt (or should that be spelled?). Or perhaps you won't, as a non-speller yourself. Not only do I use every computer spelling aid possible - spell checkers are the most important, but programs which read what you've written back to you can be a great help as well. Once I've gone through that process, I then get someone to proof read it for me, which means that they go through and correct all my mis-spellings and bad grammar and all the ones that the spell checker had added. The rest of the site is pretty well spelt, but I've left this page in it's raw state, just to convince you what a bad speller I really am.

Finding the Funny poems

If you click on the find a funny poem button in the navigation on the left, you're taken to the funny peotry index. The poems are divided up into six different types, which start with the cute and cuddly animal poems and end with the rather naughty rude poems. In between you'll find family poems, poems about famous people, school poems and a rather odd category called odes and ends, for all the poems which didn't find a home elsewhere.

Who Should Read the poems?

There are funny poems in the collection suitable for all ages of children, from pre-school to primary school age. However, the poems are mostly aimed at junior school aged children, those between 7 and 11 years old. There are excellent poems in the collection to read aloud, to learn and to recite and there are plenty more that I hope you'll read simply because they are fun, funny, or both. The poems aren't intended to have anything to do with school, english lessons or learning peotry, but it's just possible that learning them by heart and reciting them to your friends and family will improve your English, your spelling and your social standing.

Rude poems

One section of the site, the rude poems, deserves special mention as it's really only suitable for older children. By older children, I think I mean 10 year olds and older, but whether they're suitable really has much more to do with how grown up you are and much less to do with how old you are. My eight year old niece has read them all and lived to tell the tale, so I'm probably being a bit cautious saying 10 years old. If you're really not sure whether you should be reading the rude poems, it would be a good idea to ask your Mum, Dad, teacher or a responsible adult first. Responsible adult does not include Uncles, who are likely to lead you into all sorts of wicked misdeeds and then leave you to take the blame.

Copyright © Funny Poems for Kids / Patrick Winstanley 2002-2018 All Rights Reserved.
Individual poems are copyright of the stated authors and used with permission