From Tutu to Tintin

A tutu's
A skirt
For girls who do twirls

A toucan's
A bird
Who shouts about stout

The can can's
A dance
All frills and cheap thrills

A tin can
Baked beans or sardines

And Tintin's
A defective detective.

About the Poem

I never read Tintin as a child, thinking them babyish comic books, rather than real books. Some boys at school had their noses permanently stuck in a Tintin 'adventure' and tried to convince me that Tintin was the D's Bs. Nothing that happened either then or subsequently has caused me to change my view.


Famous People


Logical progression poem


15 lines

Key Stage

KS1, KS2, KS3


Patrick Winstanley

Copyright © Patrick Winstanley. All Rights Reserved

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