Beside the Seaside

I love the coast, the beach, the sea
But something always niggles me
Sand in the sandwiches
Wasps in the tea

On with trunks and into the sea
The thing that really pleases me
Is to think how dilute
The pee must be.

About the Poem

The poem itself needs little explanation, but the title warrants further attention. My original choice of title for the poem was A Warm Feeling, but I reluctantly abandoned it for fear of causing further offence to those who object to the idea of a poem for kids about peeing whilst swimming. It would have been a wonderfully evocative title and I may yet reinstate it.


Sporting Disasters


Rhyming poem


4 lines

Key Stage

KS1, KS2, KS3


Patrick Winstanley

Copyright © Patrick Winstanley. All Rights Reserved

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