A Marriage Made in Heaven

Mr Camel and Miss Dromedary were married
And in time a baby was due.
Said Mrs Camel to her beloved
'Would you prefer one hump or two?'

Wedding Bells

This is an 'if... what... ' poem. If a camel and a dromedary got married and had a baby, what would it look like? The baby dramel (or should that be comedrary) might have two humps, or just one hump, but you can be fairly sure it won't have one-and-a-half humps.


Animal Antics


Short rhyming poem suitable for reading aloud or memorising and reciting


4 lines

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Patrick Winstanley

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Animal Poems for Older Kids

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Copyright © Patrick Winstanley. All Rights Reserved

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Copyright © Funny Poems for Kids / Patrick Winstanley 2002-2018 All Rights Reserved.
Individual poems are copyright of the stated authors and used with permission